theoretical training, swimming, trainers-teachersAbstract
The article presents the results of a survey of teaching coaches to determine their attitude to the need to develop the ability of future swimming coaches to transfer theoretical knowledge to athletes.
The survey was attended by swimming coaches and teachers, a total of 17 people. Among the interviewees were 3 coaches of the highest category, 1 of them is an honored coach of Ukraine, 6 people are coaches of the first category, 8 people are coaches of the second category.
The guidance of trainers-teachers for theoretical training in swimming has been established.
Analysis of the results of a survey of trainers-teachers for the creation of coaching needs in the formation of the ability of future swimming athletes to transfer theoretical knowledge to athletes.
It is planned to develop and introduce new means of theoretical training into the educational and training process of the Youth Sports Academy, which contribute to increasing the level of theoretical education of young swimmers.
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