


swimming, fitness, swimmers, training, children 8-9 years old, means


The use of swimming in physical education of primary school children is a powerful health factor, due to which it is possible not only to increase the level of physical health of children, but also to achieve the desired effect in improving their swimming fitness in a short period of time. The purpose of the study is to determine the level of swimming fitness of children 8-9 years old. Research methods. The work used methods of the theoretical level of research: analysis, comparison, induction, deduction, systematization and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical testing, methods of mathematical statistics. The level of swimming fitness of children 7-9 years old was determined using selected 15 test tasks, which differed in complexity and were performed consistently by children. In case of refusal by the child or inability to perform the test task, 0 points were awarded; if the child partially performed it with the help of a trainer or support device, 1 point was awarded; if the child partially performed it, but independently - 2 points; if the child could fully complete the test task independently - 3 points. The maximum possible number of points that a child could receive for the test tasks was 15 points. According to the results of the testing, it was found that a low level of swimming fitness was observed in 74% of boys (the number of points scored was in the range from 0 to 15), an average level - 24% (the number of points scored was in the range from 16 to 30), a high level - 2% (the number of points scored was in the range from 31 to 45) of the subjects. The average swimming fitness index of boys was 15.95±1.29 points. Analysis of the study results allowed us to determine that in girls the average value of swimming fitness at the ascertaining stage was 15.82±1.22 points and belonged to the low level; a high level of swimming fitness index could not be achieved. The obtained data on children's swimming fitness indicate the need to improve and implement innovative approaches to the process of swimming training for faster mastery of swimming skills, as well as to improve the health and physical fitness of children.


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How to Cite

TODOROVA В., DOLINSKIY Б., BASHAVETS Н. ., & KOLCHAK В. (2024). ANALYSIS OF SWIMMING FITNESS OF 8-9 YEAR OLD CHILDREN. Physical Culture and Sport: Scientific Perspective, (4), 220–226.