swimming, questionnaire, distance learning, training process, online trainingAbstract
Motivation is of high importance in any human activity, especially in sports, where it is necessary to achieve the best result in a very short time in a situation of fierce competition with other athletes and sports teams. The purpose of the study is to investigate the influence of the experimental methodology of online swimming lessons on the formation of motivation of young swimmers in the conditions of the remote training process. Participants: 13 swimmers of the Yana Klochkova Children's and Youth Aquatics School (age 13-14 years) in Kharkiv. The experiment lasted 13 weeks from April to June 2024. At the beginning and at the end of the experiment the questionnaire was conducted in an interactive form with the help of Google form. Research methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of modern literary data, questionnaire method, methods of mathematical statistics Results: an experimental methodology was developed to form external and internal motives of athletes to swim in the conditions of distance learning. The methodology of online classes included: exercises for the development of physical qualities “Dry swimming”, which were conducted online by a coach and athletes with the introduction of the pedagogical approach “I am a coach”, theoretical classes, online meetings with famous swimmers, watching videos and entertaining games. The statements for the questionnaire were selected to identify the attitude of swimmers to the updated online training methodology. It was found that the results of the majority of answers to the statements of the questionnaire of the studied group of athletes differ significantly at the end of the experiment (p<0.05; p<0.01). Conclusions: the methodology of online swimming lessons was developed and implemented in the educational and training process of young swimmers, which included a combination of online training sessions for the development of physical qualities with the introduction of the pedagogical approach “I am a coach”, watching video performances of famous swimmers and entertaining games, the effectiveness of the use of theoretical and practical training of athletes was shown
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