


football fitness, readiness for pedagogical design, football coaches, football culture, project creativity, sports talent


The article examines the importance of the unity of physical, intellectual and spiritual development of coaches in the context of their readiness to apply pedagogical design in professional activities. The author emphasizes the importance of constructive design of the environment of football culture, which includes socio-cultural, historical, emotional and behavioral aspects related to football. Special attention is paid to the harmonious development of the essential forces of the players with the help of modern football fitness. The author shows that football fitness contributes to maintaining an optimal level of physical fitness, increasing energy potential, and developing various physical qualities that are important for the coach's successful project-creative activity. In particular, the role of fitness culture focused on the individual choice of personal and value directions for improving the physical condition of players is highlighted. The importance of innovative technological devices for self-regulation of the healing process is emphasized. The article also discusses the importance of a person-oriented fitness culture for the awakening of constructive self-reflection in players and the formation of readiness for pedagogical design in coaches. The author points out the need to take into account the biological constitutions of players and emphasize that sports activities should correspond to their characteristics. The article highlights the importance of fitness and a person-oriented approach in the training of football coaches.

Football fitness is an important factor that influences the formation of coaches' readiness to apply pedagogical design. The use of interactive teaching methods and knowledge of the individual characteristics of athletes allow coaches to design an effective educational process that contributes to the development of sports creativity and the achievement of high results.

The proposed interactive methods and innovative directions of fitness culture can be implemented in the work practice of football coaches to increase the effectiveness of the educational process.


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How to Cite

TYMOSHENKO О. . . (2024). FOOTBALL FITNESS IN FORMING THE READINESS OF SOCCER COACHES FOR PEDAGOGICAL DESIGN. Physical Culture and Sport: Scientific Perspective, 2(1), 203–209.