


physical education, culture of health preservation, students, healthy lifestyle, institutions of higher education


The article highlights the issue of physical education role in the formation of health culture of higher education students.

The analysis of academic references made it possible to reveal the content of the basic concepts of the study and to describe training of students to be able to organize and regulate their health-preservation activities; adequately assess their own behavior as well as actions and views of others; maintain and implement their own health-preservation positions in various, particularly unfavorable conditions.

Four structural components of health preservation culture have been distinguished: axiological (accepted as basic), informational, physical and creative; criteria for their formation have been determined.

Active methods and means of forming a culture of health preservation have been defined: conversations, debates, lectures, seminars, explanations, persuasion, positive and negative examples, development of habits, exercises, control and self-control, etc. Expediency of the complex use of physical education tools in their various forms (educational classes, morning physical exercise, sports activity, additional activities) has been proven.

Therefore, the issue of students’ health-preservation culture formation in the process of physical education classes becomes relevant as one of the areas of its comprehensive development.

Formation of health-preservation culture in the context of development of students’ life competence takes place as a process of active preventive work aimed both at preventing the use of substances harmful to health and by including students in activities, organization of physical activity, participation in cultural educational activities, etc., during which there is an active mental, physical, aesthetic educational influence.


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How to Cite

PALICHUK Ю. ., REBRYNA А. ., & ALIEKSIEIEV О. . . (2024). THE ROLE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN FORMATION STUDENT HEALTH CULTURES. Physical Culture and Sport: Scientific Perspective, 2(1), 153–157.